Ramblings of a Track and Field coach pretending to know sports....
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Basically, after pouring in many many many more hours, my thoughts are pretty much the same as they are in my original "Bottom Line," which is as follows:
At 1080p SDR have I noticed huge gains across the board with the PRO? NO. I have not.
Do I feel this is a necessary upgrade for everyone at 1080p?
Nope, I sure don't.
Do I feel like ... Read More
Thursday, November 10, 2016

I was able to pick up my system last night from Gamestop at 10pm MTN time, along with Dishonored 2 (which I have not had a chance to even play yet! Ahhh!!!!)
I have posted numerous impressions in the PS4 discussion thread and I figured I would kind of wrangle everything together in a single post regarding my ... Read More
Friday, November 4, 2016

Thing is, I am guilty of this. I have done this to people in the past, so I guess what I am experiencing now is just karma and "what is going around, coming around" or whatever the old saying is.
Thing is, you don't even ... Read More
Thursday, October 27, 2016

I have tried and failed to make friends and join circles on OS. Now, after repeatedly falling short of becoming a valuable member of any corner of this site I have to face reality and accept that I am just a weird person who isn't ever going to be popular in life and will probably spend most of my life entirely alone. There are worse things ... Read More
Monday, August 29, 2016

So, again, full disclosure: I am dumb for caring about this. Fully admit it.
That being said, as time goes on I can't help but notice trends, post to post, on OS and I feel like there are patterns as far which posts get likes and which posts don't. ... Read More
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Johnny Manziel gets paid a few grand for signing autographs and MIGHT be suspended the entire year.
Jeremy Hill, seen here in the purple shirt (actually, not sure I am allowed to link to the video, so I won't, but google it), sucker punches a guy outside a bar (how is a 20 year old drinking?) and is suiting up week one, no problem.
This isn't a fight, by the way, this is an assault. This is a big time ... Read More
Saturday, August 10, 2013

I know it was just a limited amount of play time but I thought Von looked great as well.
The o-line is definitely a large concern for me at the moment. I find it hard to accept anyone's criticisms of Brock or Zach because quite frankly the backup o-line was next level bad. Yeah, on a couple of plays maybe Brock needed to step up and pull the trigger but bottom line is he needs to be protected better to see what he can do with the ball. Starting line ... Read More
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I believe this is a bi-product of the internet-keyboard-warrior generation.
Back in the day you could talk to people about music you like, movies you like, etc. Now, nobody really talks like that because nobody really listens. Instead of listening, people just wait for you to finish saying what you have to say before completely and viciously assaulting ... Read More
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It's beyond idiotic to say "I don't use that term," when you are in trouble for being caught on video using "that term." Right, this is the only time you have ever used that word in your life. You aren't racist at all. Out of the trillions of things you say in your entire life, the ONE time you ever decide to use a racial slur it just happens to get caught on tape. Right.

There's nothing like seeing a white NFL wide receiver dropping a straight ... Read More
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ryan Braun was told that his suspension "might be 50 games, might be 500 games." He basically plea-bargained with MLB. MLB rules dictate that a first time offense ... Read More
Monday, July 22, 2013

Is there an issue in Denver? Let's not forget the Parrish Cox rape allegations (following a night of partying that other members of the Broncos were involved in), the Elvis Dumervil Gun-Flashing fiasco, D.J. Williams just being an all-around not model citizen......
What dictates this kind of locker ... Read More
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Did Drew Brees have one of the most unnoticed excellent seasons of all time last year. Considering the numbers he put up against defenses that knew there was no run game whatsoever to worry about, and, the fact that he was pretty much his own OC, what he did was pretty phenomenal. Were the picks a little high? Yeah, but 5 of those were in one flukishly terrible game, and the bottom line is when you throw the ball a lot, you are going to have interceptions occur. Just ask Andrew ... Read More
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ok, the Aaron Hernandez thing. What a bizarre story. When I first heard about this whole thing I thought it was a prank. When I actually saw the reports online I was mesmerized, I spent a solid hour reading every report I could find on the matter.
Something about this guy always rubbed me the wrong way. Was it the excessive celebrations after every catch, was it the punk/attitude shown at press conferences ... Read More
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Admittedly, this concept is flawed as all these topics are old news now. Perhaps I should post rants in here going forward instead of flooding my Facebook feed with them.
May 31 -
I'm sorry, I don't feel bad ... Read More
Friday, June 10, 2011

My buddy and I are in a debate over whether or not this picture is actually Tim Tebow.
Come on, really? Is that REALLY him? What do YOU think?
Dude looks like a defensive end.
Question, whoever that is, did they ever find that ball or did it disintegrate on contact.
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